Dry van shipping is one the most reliable and durable shipping methods. Dry van trailers are preferred by shippers because they offer flexibility, security, and protection from the elements. What is dry van trucking? When and why should you offer dry van shipments? Let's start by explaining what a dry van looks like.
A dry van trailer is basically a box on wheels. Not temperature controlled, it's specifically designed to handle dry freight rather than temperature-sensitive freight or "wet" goods. It can carry boxed and palliated items as well as most retail dry goods, such cereals, household supplies and other non-perishables. Secure dry van trucks is easy. The enclosed area protects freight against the elements, including rain, snow and sun. Dry vans are able to haul many types of loads. This means that there are more opportunities for jobs in different shipping lanes. Dimensions and weight of dry van trailers
Trailers 48- and 53-foot The typical dimensions of a dry van are 48- to 53-foot trailers. These trailers can hold up to 45,000 pounds and have 26 pallet spaces in the interior. Trailers 28 feet in length. There are short trailers that can be towed along with the larger 48-foot and 53-foot trailers. These trailers are usually a bit narrower and less heavy, with a maximum weight of 22,500 pounds. These trailers can be found in multiple trailer chains. These "pup" trailers are usually able to accommodate 14 standard pallet positions.
Dry van trucking, which is the most popular form of freight transportation, is always in high demand. Flatbed trucks can earn slightly less per load, but dry van shipping is very profitable, especially during times of high demand and when there is a shortage of capacity. Five things are often used to determine dry van shipping rates: Demand and supply Distance to delivery Freight type Shipping rates, weight, and density Fuel costs Shippers also pay additional fees for extra services and accessorial charges. Who uses dry van carrier? Dry van carriers are used by almost all industries that ship non-perishable goods. Dry vans are used by companies that ship perishable cargo such as produce and frozen foods. This makes them extremely efficient as they can be combined with other products or LTL shipments. These are some examples of dry van cargo: Materials for construction Dry goods and retail products Material and equipment for agriculture Service products and parts for automobiles Spirits, beer, wine Printing, including finished books and equipment, is possible. Material and equipment for oil and gas Equipment for healthcare, personal protective equipment (PPE), non-perishable goods, and medicine Dry goods shipping is a key component of many industries, including publishing, construction, healthcare, and publishing. Others, like retail outlets and automotive outlets, directly benefit from goods shipped in dry vans. These goods are then sold to customers directly or to wholesalers, who distribute them to retail outlets. These companies rely on dry van shipping to maintain their supply chain. However, not all goods can be shipped via this method. There are pros and cons to every shipping method.
Full truckload (FTL), and less than truckload dry van shipping are the most popular and cost-effective ways to ship goods. However, there are disadvantages.
Dry van transport is generally more cost-effective than other shipping options, as they are easily available and don't require extra service fees.
You can use dry vans to transport a wide range of goods including clothing, electronics and furniture. Non-perishable foods and almost any item that doesn't need temperature control can be shipped with dry vans.
Consolidating multiple goods and materials in one shipment can save you redundancy.
Dry vans trucks are more secure than flatbeds or other trailers. They can protect goods from theft, damage, and the elements. Your shipment is kept safe inside until it reaches its destination.
Drop and hook allows you to drop an empty trailer, and pick up a full one. This speeds up turnaround times and eliminates any wasted time on either side of your runs.
You may have less capacity because of height, weight, and length constraints, especially during peak seasons. If you have to ship large volumes during holiday season, this is an example. Planning ahead will ensure that the capacity you require is available.
The environment inside a dry van is more difficult to control. Bad weather can affect internal temperature control. You are better to ship with a reefer if your freight needs temperature control.
Wooden flooring is more vulnerable to damage by heavy items, moisture (like produce), and weather at drop-off or pick-up points. Dry van shipping might not be the best option in certain cases. It is important to consider transportation logistics. This includes cargo, weather, lanes, and any other factors that might affect your route.