Full Truck Load


Because of the complicated regulations surrounding what constitutes full trucks, and the difficulty of correctly distributing weight and minimising damage, different TL freight companies have different product amounts they will ship before they declare a truck "full." But, what exactly is a full truckload?

If you ship from the US to Canada or anywhere else, you must not ship less than a truckload (LTL). This will result in you paying full price for the entire truck, regardless of how full the truck is. You may have encountered different or contradictory definitions for what constitutes a full truckload. These are the three most common limits:

44,000 LBS



These "rules" can lead to unused trailer space. However, if a truck is properly packed and legal, more than 44,000 lbs. of product can be shipped. It may be better to say that the maximum truckload shipment allowed in a 53-foot dry van trailer is 44,000 lbs. This is provided the vehicle's total weight (fuel, driver, cargo, etc.) does not exceed 80,000 lbs (88,000 in Canada). The axles' weight must also not exceed the legal limit. You may have to use more space if your product is light. If you pack 48 pallets, it may not be possible to fit them all into your trailer. LTL trucking companies also consider whether the product can safely be stacked without damaging it. This may reduce the quantity of product that can safely be transported in any one shipment. Planners must consider the customer requirements, safety of drivers, transport regulations limits, and freight available when building LTL loads. This ensures that the trailer can be used to its maximum potential without sacrificing service or space. It is important to choose the right mix of freight. Some products and pallets can easily be stacked which allows trucking companies more space. The amount of product you can ship on a truck depends on its dimensions, weight, shape, and construction. These factors affect how much weight you can place over the axles.

Either you ship a truckload of freight to be convenient and direct or you might have a shorter supply chain that requires pallet shipping. It doesn't matter what your situation is, it is important to know the limitations of building loads and packing freight onto pallets. This will allow you to minimize product overhang and keep your pallet footprint to a standard. You can also get great shipping rates with GENERIC.

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